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    CDs for independent artists & labels

rolling higher.png (111215 bytes) Rolling Higher
by Lucy Bonilla

With larger than life vocals packed into a diminutive package, Brooklyn native, Lucy Bonilla has the world wondering, " Where the *#$% does she fit all that voice?!"

Check out www.lucybonilla.com

SpiritRocksSexy.png (87615 bytes) spirit.rocks.sexy
by Robin Renee
gmi front.png (39631 bytes) Game Music Inc
Sampler CD
brotherhood single.png (150473 bytes) Brotherhood
by Matt Marshak

featuring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Groovosphere.png (97538 bytes) Groovosphere
by Matt Marshak

Matt, an extremely talented jazz guitarist from New York. 

Check out www.mattmarshak.com  

tta_cover.jpg (28030 bytes) This Time Around
by Matt Marshak 
lubo cd front.jpg (33975 bytes) The Big Picture
by Lucy Bonilla
kalajojocd.jpg (32496 bytes) Wordsongs
by Kala Jojo

Check out www.kalajojo.com


cd cover art.jpg (25795 bytes) Preservation
by Matt Marshak

Matt's 2001 debut release

SB_cover.jpg (16888 bytes) From Piedmont to the Delta
by Skip Bement
calling CD.jpg (8108 bytes) Stories from the Sister Circle
by Momma Sandi

A collection of skillfully told tales by Momma Sandi. Take a journey into the sister circle.

for more info contact Mommasanditales@aol.com


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LaLa mothergod Gumbo